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Lyftogt Perineural Injections for Pain



Lyftogt P.I.T.™ involves first making an accurate assessment of the cause of pain, which is usually due to an injured or non-healing nerve, causing pain. This treatment, first discovered and later significantly developed by   Dr. John Lyftogt, consists of a series of small injections just under the skins surface, targeting painful areas where nerves are entrapped & inflamed, with a glucose solution.


Lyftogt P.I.T.™ involves first making an accurate assessment of the cause of pain, which is usually due to an injured or non-healing nerve, causing pain. 


​Various areas of the body signify specific nerves that cause pain, muscle

tension, loss of movement & function.


One example is the area outside the thigh (the ilio-tibial band or ITB), which requires constant massage, foam rolling or massage balls, etc.  

I’ve found it very common that the nerve serving this area is inflamed and injured. Common issues for people with this is knee pain, along with pain or tension on the outside of the thigh.  Using a foam roller etc can actually make this worse, as the technique can further irritate and inflame the nerve.


Every treatment aims to extinguish pain by at least 25%.Success rates vary between 80 - 100% depending on the condition.


Peter was trained by Dr. Lyftogt, in his Perineural Master Class in 2016.


Peter’s clinic is located at Edgecliff Court, Suite 4, 2 New McLean St, Edgecliff (by Edgecliff train station), Sydney.


For more information go to: 





Dr. John Lyftogt & I in 2016

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