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C.H.E.K. Practitioner

If you’re going through life with chronic pain or injury, it’s possible that your cause hasn’t been identified or resolved.

As a Level 3 C.H.E.K. Practitioner, Peter was taught to use the ‘Survival Totem Pole’ by Paul Chek to help resolve challenging pains & injuries.


Primal Pattern Training

There are literally thousands of exercises out there, though most of them all have one thing in common.  They all come from fundamental primal movement patterns:  Lunges, Squats, Bending (deadlifts for example), Pushing, Pulling, Twisting & Walking, jogging, running & sprinting.


Visceral (Organ)

Do you have pain, recurring injuries, or find that you need to constantly stretch to maintain your mobility (joints) and flexibility (muscles)?

Our internal organs have important functions to maintain our life.  As such they take priority over our joints & muscles, and often reflect their issues as muscle, joint or other pains and problems. 


Craniosacral Therapy

Cranio-Sacral Therapy is a subtle and gentle form of manual therapy helping to restore and regulate the normal function and flow (or pumping) of cerebrospinal fluid, a fluid that has an important role in keeping the brain and nervous system healthy.  


Prolotherapy Injections

Prolotherapy involves the local injection of a glucose solution into stretched, weak and damaged ligaments or tendons.  The glucose acts to induce local inflammation (one of the 1st phases of healing), with the subsequent phases of healing resulting in the strengthening and tightening, of  the ligament or tendon.  This results in improved joint stability, allowing muscles to relax and ultimately pain resolution. 


Perineural Injection Therapy

This treatment, first discovered and later significantly developed by Dr. John Lyftogt, consists of a series of small injections just under the skins surface, targeting painful areas where nerves are entrapped & inflamed, with a glucose solution.

Lyftogt P.I.T.™involves first making an accurate assessment of the cause of pain, which is usually due to an injured or non-healing nerve, causing pain.

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C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Lifestyle coaching is about teaching you how to apply some fundamental knowledge about how the human body is designed to function. It’s about getting back to working with your body and looking at the things we all assume are working properly.

Understandably, most don’t appreciate the true health implications of their diet & lifestyle, because most disease processes take about 15 – 20 years to express themselves, making symptoms often appear unrelated to diet & lifestyle along the way (“it’s genetics”, “I’m at that age”).

© 2020-2024 by The Integrative Health Coach

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